Helping leaders build joyful careers

I’m on a mission to help professionals turn their setbacks into phoenix moments.

Whether it’s personal (divorce) or professional (layoff), you’re safe.

Not only have I spent the last decade creating corporate cultures that help professionals thrive, I have also worked with successful women navigating toxic relationships.

I’ve helped them:

→ Craft a career strategy and roadmap that brings joy and peace.
→ Survive and thrive through divorces and toxic relationships.
→ Initiative and hold difficult conversations with grace.
→ Connect with their body and intuition.

What I’ve noticed is that professionals are expected to be perfect, with no room for failure or deviations from the linear path.

While the most successful and happy leaders look at their failures and burn them to rise from the ashes. They have the skill of quitting, changing direction, failing forward, and never submitting to the social norm that keep them from following their unique path.

So I flipped the script: I help professionals create a sense of safety and security by turning their patterns into power.

We have forgotten that in order to grow, we must accept the pain of growth.

I’m here to remind you that your layoff, divorce, or toxic environment is your Phoenix Moment.

And the first step is facing your shame like I did, so you can rise from it.

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