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Why is Invisible Leadership the most powerful leadership?

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” –Lao Tzu

According to Jim Collins, the author of one of the bestselling business books, Good to Great – leaders who bring transformation to the organization are not the ones with charismatic personalities but are rather quiet, shy, deliberate. These leaders have a combination of humility and professional will to revolutionize an organization from ‘Good to Great’.

What is Invisible Leadership?

The leader who keeps in mind a common purpose for the organization’s success. The powerful leader connects people and the system to work in harmony and to achieve ultimate goals. She focuses on a team and not on self. 

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The invisible leader is successful because she has a heightened state of emotional intelligence. She leads with self-awareness. She is aware of how thoughts and actions influence others and how having that in sync with a changing environment can make a true difference.

The invisible leader takes decisions, which are in the best interest of the team and the common purpose. A true leader is a selfless mentor and values professional development of mentees without worrying about being replaced by them.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The invisible leader is a servant leader. A servant leader grows leaders, not just followers. The purpose of leadership is not about her, it is about people. She looks into long-term consequences to the success of the common purpose. A servant leader values people. She gives them the priority and along with her leadership ambition.

The invisible leader takes interest in people and finds and hones their intrinsic drive to help them grow. She focuses on the skills and attitudes of people and believes in the individual’s capability to progress and make a difference.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The invisible leader influences without authority. She is that invisible thread that ties people and purpose together. She invests time to learn about people, processes, and technology.

She understands a big picture of the capabilities and challenges of people. She understands that empathy overrules authority. She understands the power of relationships and trust-building by listening to others.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The Invisible leader is a good storyteller. That helps her to lead holistically and authentically. She focuses on inspiring, influencing, and teaching others through stories. Storytelling is powerful as it helps to build a connection with people and unites them. She understands the importance of informing people by having adequate communication and transparency.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ The invisible leader leads with Why. In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek explains – β€œPeople don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it.” She pursues people to make them understand β€œOne team, One Goal.”

She gives reasoning which motivates people to work on a common goal, focusing on WHY instead of WHAT and giving them enough freedom and resources to figure out HOW. She understands that making people feel part of a bigger purpose helps to achieve a common goal.  

So, if you are a leader, be an invisible one! Own your purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, and conduct. People do not want to be controlled by authority, they want a leader, a leader who they trust, who truly understands them and helps them to grow. You are remembered and valued when you are invisible. Win the hearts of people first and you will win their minds!

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